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Comprehensive Energy Solutions

Built on an interoperable platform and on open standards,
Cynosoft is based on strategic partners seeking to increase the
architecture’s impact and adoption.
In its global ecosystem, Cynosoft Inc. has developed the
most extensive distribution and direct partner network of its
business sector, and it can work with this network to create
or co-create solutions and applications that can be deployed
flexibly. Working with a wide range of partners, such as
distributors, system integrators, contractors, panel builders,
electricians, machine manufacturers and others, as well as
with its end customers, the Group manages multiple access
channels that enable it to further deploy its solutions
as close as possible to the needs of its markets. This network
helps provide real-time monitoring and operational efficiency
while guaranteeing the right conditions for developing locally
managed projects and growing local economies.

Jermaine Connolly

The Company's technology platform is a way to design and operate connected systems in a scalable way by bringing together three tiers of innovation.


Company Roadmap

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Oct 2004Short-Term Goals
May 2007Medium-Term Goals
Sept 2019Long-Term Goals
Jul 2024Mitigation Strategies

Core values and Principles

As a leader in the digital transformation of energy management and
automation, our mission is to ensure that Life Is On for everyone, everywhere,
and at every moment. To this end, Cynosoft Inc. offers integrated
efficiency solutions tailored to its customers’ needs, to provide more
decarbonized, digital, decentralized and electric energy.

Our Clients

We Always Try To Understand
Users Expectation


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